
Our Governance

GHAFES has a simple 3-tier Organizational Structure; comprising

  • General Committee
  • Board
  • Management
The General Committee

The General Committee (GC) is the ultimate decision-making body in GHAFES. It is composed of the Students from each GHAFES member fellowships, Associates, Board, Staff, and other partner organizations.

The Board

The Board of GHAFES exercises governance oversight over the organization, ensuring that it is well run. In fulfilling this stewardship mandate, the Board establishes the mission, vision, and strategic direction for GHAFES; selects the right management for it and ensures it has adequate capacity; monitors and strengthens the performance of the organization; and develops and sustains effective governance structure and process.

The Management

The National Director heads the management team and oversees the day-to-day business of the Fellowship.

Explore the Board

Mr. Yaw Appiah Lartey

Senior Treasurer

Rev. Victor Yeboah Gyabaah

Staff Representative